Once upon a time...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Yarrr Harrr Harrr! 3 weeks till show time!! Look forward to crossing off Goal #1 on my Life List.
So I haven't posted in a very long time. The reason for this is that my time has been all consumed by training,cooking,eating and sleeping. I set out to acheive this goal at the end of May 2006 and by golly it ain't been easy. (Especially at Memeres with des "Pets de soeurs"** cinnamon buns.)
I am more tired than I have been in a long time at this point. My regime has changed quite a bit since my last post. 2 hours cardio 6 days per week (up at 4:30 am in bed by 8:30) 3 weight training sessions per week and 3 routine training sessions per week. I'm diligiently dieting, reducing carbs periodically (making me a little slow upstairs). I have my tanning (spray tanning) booked, my clear hells, I mean heels, rhinestone bikini, routine pirate suit (being made), nails, waxing and hair booked. I'm sure there's a few other things...
Alot of people ask if I will do it again. Being in the midst of this I say No. But I think it's going to be a very fun day. One whose memories might make me think it's all worth it.
However, the amount of dedication it takes to do this and the amount of time I would like to spend doing other things and accomplishing other goals on my list make me pretty sure I won't do it again. Plus I don't think it's 100% the healthiest thing to do. But it's an experience to look back on. I have learned alot about myself and it's made me stronger. I told myself if you can do this than you can do anything and since I know what I've been thru during all this I truly beleive that I can accomplish anything I want. yes I have cried in frustration and injured myself and had inner battles with my love for all foods. But I am almost there! Wahoo. Can't wait for the after party!! Boston Pizza here I come.
If you want to look at last years competition to get an idea of what i"m doing, visit http://www.twixpix.com/contests/SWFC05/SWFC05-Intro.html and check out the fitness short photos.

** Recipe for "Pets de soeurs" aka "Nun farts" ( Thought Dean would like it)
Knowing the actual recipe which requires lard and deep frying, I wouldn't feel right knowing my loved ones were eating them. So I have taken the liberty of creating a calorie reduced but equally delicious recipe.
  • makes 40 little farts. Or, to make One Big Fart, pour batter into a heavy cast iron pan and bake in a 375 oven for one hour.
    5 Tbsp margarine
    1/2 tsp steviaplus powder ( natural sugar substitute, available in all health food stores and organic section, 10 x sweeter than suger with no calories or side affects)
    pinch salt
  • 200ml egg whites (50ml = 1 egg)
    2 cup sifted flour
    1 tsp vanilla

    Combine margarine, stevia, salt, with 1 cup water in a saucepan and bring the mixture slowly to a boil. When margaine is completely melted, remove from heat.
  • When you remove the pan from the heat, add all the flour at once, stirring until all of it is absorbed. When the flour has been absorbed into a paste, turn the heat to medium high and return the pan to it. Cook this mixture for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly, scraping sides and bottom, until the batter clings together in a solid mass, and takes on a glossy look. Turn off the heat and remove the pan from the stove.
  • Beat in the vanilla and allow the batter to cool a bit.
  • Make a well in the center, pour in 1 egg, beat it into the batter until incorporated. Proceed with the remaining three eggs, beating them in one at a time.
  • The pastry should be "flexible and soft, firm enough to hold its shape and not at all runny."
  • Set it aside and let it rest for 45 minutes.
  • Roll out the dough like a rectangle pizza crust till it's 1/4 inch. Cover the dough with stevia and cinnamon.
  • Roll the dough into a rollup and slice into circles about 1/2" thick.
  • Pour about a 1/4 inch of water into a casserole dish and bake at 375 F for 30 min or until they are golden brown, sprinkle very lightly with stevia.
  • MMMMM warm farts and a glass of milk!


  • At 1:31 PM, Blogger April said…

    I think it's shameful that Zaak hasn't commented on your entry! Or Dean for that matter! I think it's great what you're doing. It will be something to remember for a long time.

    Good luck!

  • At 1:31 PM, Blogger April said…

    I think it's shameful that Zaak hasn't commented on your entry! Or Dean for that matter! I think it's great what you're doing. It will be something to remember for a long time.

    Good luck!

  • At 1:31 PM, Blogger April said…

    I think it's shameful that Zaak hasn't commented on your entry! Or Dean for that matter! I think it's great what you're doing. It will be something to remember for a long time.

    Good luck!

  • At 1:34 PM, Blogger April said…

    Whoops, sorry about that.


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